Monday, October 25, 2010

A Handful of Trees

Today we took an amazing trip through the Smokey Mountains. We drove for many hours through some incredibly beautiful scenery. As we were driving I would point out various trees that had their fall foliage. It seemed like I was pointing out groups of trees about every 10-20 seconds. Then we came up to a huge hillside. There had to be nearly a million trees of every color on that particular hillside. We were in awe. Then as we turned the corner, there was yet another. Not just another hillside. Another million trees covering the hillside. And on this went for the duration of the day.  Millions and millions on colorful trees lined the mountainous earth in front of us.

Scripture says that God has the hair on our heads numbered. My head. Your head. Everyone’s head. So, it would stand to reason that He knows exactly how many trees are on this very curvy road through this state park. I am also not naïve enough to think I have even begun to see all the trees He has created. There are so many more. The ones lost to lumberjacks and forest fires. The ones cut down to clear the path for the road I traveled. The ones on the other side of the mountains range, the other side of the US and the ones on the other side of the earth. I am sure that the millions of trees that I got the chance to see today are just a handful of what there is.

And even though it took us 8 hours to drive through one of the skinniest states our great nation has to offer, it was well worth hearing my grandmother say “Oh, my gracious. This is simply gorgeous!”. Even if she did say it as many times as there are trees in southern Tennessee.

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June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!