Monday, October 25, 2010

Florida or Bust

My maternal grandmother is a snow bird. Every winter she migrates to the south for the cold weather. She usually takes her journey to Florida in late autumn and returns to Indiana in time for Easter. I have had the privilege of making this trip with her numerous times.

Before I was married with children, I drove her down in the fall and flew back home. Then, over Spring Break, I would fly down to retrieve her. I loved every minute of it. I got to spend time with a loved one while taking a vacation.  For a teacher, it was a paid vacation. It was also an all expenses included vacation because Grandma picked up the tab. It was a dream "job" made just for me.

However, now that I have a family of my own it is not quite so easy to be gone for several days in a row to make this annual excursion.  But as luck would have it, I am fortunate enough to be able to provide this taxi service again this year for my aging grandma. I realize that her years are now numbered and I want to enjoy as many of these annual trips as possible before she leaves this earth. And even though the road is long and sometimes stressful, I really love the time we get to spend getting to learn more about each other. Just today Grandma shared something with me that few people know that she wants me to share at her funeral--and not until then. I feel privileged and honored.

I know that these opportunities will only strengthen our bond and increase our love for one another. Even though she is an old woman set in her ways, she is my grandmother and I love her. And who knows maybe someday I will have to be asking my own granddaughter to drive me to Florida every year.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the delay. I wanted to get this one posted on the first day of our travels but life got in the way. That is why there are two with the same date.


June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!