Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Day 3 of our adventure was less than exciting. However, we do have some news to report…

The good: We started our day just south of Atlanta, GA. We made it all the way to Port Richey, FL on the gulf coast of Florida. We are currently less than an hour from our destination. So, needless to say, we made some good time on Interstate 75. And even though we were on the road for quite an extended period of time, the kids still had good dispositions and good attitudes. The conversations my grandmother and I are having are good and I am still learning more and more about this wonderful woman.

The bad: As we traveled down the interstate, my bladder had finally won the battle and we needed to pull over at a rest stop. As I was beginning to park the car, I read the signs indicating where to park. One sign actually read: “Warning: Poisonous snakes may be in restrooms“!! I was utterly shocked. Shocked enough that I almost relieved myself right then and there as I read the sign. So, as you can imagine, we pressed on to the next rest stop 40 miles down the road.

The ugly: We made it to the next area to pull over and get everyone out of the cars. We made lunch and let the kids run around the grassy field to burn off some pent up energy. Then as we were loading back up I made one last restroom trip.

That is when I saw them. Everyone saw them. Come to think of it, everyone was staring at them. They were walking so slowly. Hand in hand. Shoulder to shoulder. She was leaning against him as he was supporting her weight. But she didn’t weigh all that much. Probably not even 100 lbs. She was obviously suffering from cancer. Actually, with no official medical diagnosis, I would guess that she was not suffering from cancer bur rather dying from cancer. She had obvious signs of chemotherapy treatments. She was bald and weak. More weak than I have ever seen anyone. I just sat down, watched them get back in their car with a pink ribbon on it and began to weep silently.

As I watched them drive off into the sunset, quite possibly one of her last sunsets, I thought about what an ugly thing something like cancer is. How ugly and difficult it would be to suffer through it. How ugly it would be to watch your loved one suffer with it. I have never had to deal with this particular disease first hand and I hope I never do. But if life ever comes to that I hope I have someone to walk hand in hand with me. Because that was something beautiful to see.

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June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!