Saturday, December 25, 2010

My New Van for Christmas!

Wednesday we went to Lafayette to get pictures of Zech for his birthday. While we were there Matt did his last minute Christmas shopping. We had a wonderful dinner at a new restaurant and, of course, finished the evening with ice cream (even if was only 17 degrees outside). We picked up the kids from my mom’s house and were home bound. It was late and we were all tired. I knew I still had some gift wrapping to do before the next day’s family gathering.

When we finally started heading home some fog rolled in. It came quickly and in parts was so thick not much could be seen. Luckily we were on a stretch of road that both of us had driven numerous times and were quite familiar with. The two youngest had just fallen asleep. The two oldest were in the back seat bickering about something. We had just passed a semi truck which we commented on because we didn’t usually see them on this particular road. We had several things on our minds but none of which were about what was about to take place.

Then it happened. I saw him first. A split second later Matt saw him. It all happened so fast. A truck had crossed the median and was sitting perpendicular in front of us in both lanes. Matt quickly stood, literally, on the brake with both feet. Screech! Crash! Bang! We hit the truck head on. Only by the GRACE IF GOD and my husband’s quick defensive driving was it not worse. Instead of T-boning the truck Matt hit him diagonally which I truly believe saved that passenger’s life and kept the rest of us from major injury. Seconds after we crashed the semi that we had just talked about passed us. I am not sure how he got around us without causing more problems. Only God does. Just one more thing I am so grateful for.

It was absolutely scary. The oldest kids were in shock and speechless. The baby slept through the whole incident. I was so bewildered that when Matt told me to call someone I couldn’t even remember the number for 911! The police came to write their report. My step-dad came to offer help. Friends came to give us ride home. The van was totaled but we all (except for Zech) walked away. Again, I have no idea how. In all honesty, it should have been much, much worse than it was.

This accident may have altered our holiday plans a little. Fortunately though, we are not accepting visitors to our hospital rooms or calling funereal homes. No, not even scratches or bruises. God really did protect us and keep us safe. It actually worked out for the best because now I get to pick out a new van for Christmas.

Even though my Christmas didn’t turn out the way I planned, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Merry Christmas everyone! May you remember all the wonderful things He gave you --your life and His.

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June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!