Monday, August 30, 2010

I Dropped Everything

Last week I got a phone call earlier than usual. I had just got the two oldest on the bus. I had barely started nursing Zech and was half naked. Elizabeth was “putting poop in the potty” like a big girl. I really didn’t want to know who had the audacity to interrupt my morning routine but something made me answer it anyway.

I picked up the phone and didn’t even get a chance to greet the person on the other end. All I heard was a familiar yet frantic voice saying, “Michelle, Christopher is missing. He chased after the dog. I think he went toward your house. He is gone. I don’t know where he is. He’s missing. Help!”

What was I to do? I dropped everything, of course. I laid the still hungry baby on the floor as he let out wails for more of his food that was now squirting across the room like a hydrant. I grabbed the closest pair of pants for Elizabeth and put them on her over her not-yet-wiped bottom while finding a shirt for myself so that neither one of us would get arrested for indecent exposure.

We headed out the door and started our search. I checked in my neighbors‘ swing sets. I looked in dog houses. I snooped through people’s open garages. I even called the police to make a missing child report. I could hear the cries of his mother coming from down the street. My heart was in my stomach as I am sure hers was too. After what seemed like an hour but what was actually more like 10 minutes, we found him. He had made his way to the other side of our subdivision. Crossing at least three roads, walking past the pond and was heading for the interstate off ramp.

I had the privilege of being with my friend when she was told her son was found. She literally fell to the ground in relief and gratitude. She was praising Jesus all the way to her toes. I also got to be there when he made it back home. She was so relieved to see him she wasn’t sure what to do. Should she punish him for taking off? Should she scold him so he will think about it before he did it again? How should she discipline her child that scared her to death? She did exactly what I would have done, what most of us would have done. She took him into her arms, held him so tightly that he couldn’t breathe and covered his face with her tears.

Isn’t that what God does. We were all lost at one point or another. Then we found Him, the One who loves us more than anyone. He didn’t punish us or yell at us. He didn’t scold us or ridicule us. He just took us into His loving arms and said, “This one is mine and I am glad he is home.” 

If you haven't found The One that has been searching for you, ask someone to help you find Him.  He just wants you to come home.  He won't ground you, spank you or even take away your wii.  He just wants to hold you tightly and cover you with His tears. 

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June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!