Sunday, August 8, 2010

First Day of School

Yeah, that’s right! It is August 9th and it is the first day of school here in Lebanon. The summer really did go by fast but, quite honestly, there were times when I wasn’t sure this day would ever come. But alas, it is here. Caleb and Rebekah leave for school today. I am not sure who is more excited. The kids or me.
Yeah, that’s right! I officially have a first grader and a kindergartner. That’s pretty exciting. My babies are growing up. I want them to. I knew I would be sending them off sometime soon and I am prepared. As prepared as any mom can get or will ever be. Let’s remember that Jochebed and Hannah only had their sons for 4-5 years before they had to send them away. And they sent them away, far away, forever. Not just down the road into trustworthy hands for only six hours. Those courageous and obedient women had to instill self-worth, knowledge and a love for the LORD in half the time I have been given. And they did it. They sent them away and in return we got Moses and Samuel. Two men who led the Israelites and obeyed God until their deaths.
Yeah, that’s right! I am glad the kids are leaving today. No, I am not sad at all. I know that I have done the best job that I could do in raising my kids the best way that I know how. But best of all, they are leaving this house knowing the One that loves them more than I ever could.  And that is the best way to get through days like today.

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June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!