Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First Day Pictures

Have you ever wondered why we take pictures of our children on the first day of school?  I am really not sure.  Is it to keep track of how much they have grown?  So we can compare this year to that year?  But don't we already do that several times throughout the year?  We take pictures at birthdays, Christmas, and Easter.  We take pictures at swimming lessons, first hair cuts and talent shows.  We take pictures in our back yards, at Grandma's house and the zoo.  And, of course, we take pictures while we are on vacation.

There is so much work involved in taking pictures.  You have to get the kids dressed in something you don't mind the world seeing.  You have to then try and get them to stand still long enough to actually get a good shot.  You have to get them to smile and act like they enjoy each other.  Then the more pictures you take the more you have to print, store and if you are lucky--scrapbook. It's just too much work.to also take pictures on the first day of school.

Well, at least that is what I am claiming today.  Because my camera decided to not cooperate yesterday and I have no pictures of my kids leaving for school on their first day.  Maybe next year.  But then what would I compare it to?

1 comment:

  1. Take a photo tomorrow. When it goes on the senior board for the open house, you will never remember it was the third day of school and not the first. Or maybe you will and it will be funny by then!


June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!