Wednesday, June 27, 2012

He's Not That into You

My favorite book of the Bible is Song of Solomon. It's a love story between King Solomon and is beloved Shulamite bride. Actually it is more than just a love story. There are parts that so graphically detail their courting, marriage and sex life that Jewish boys weren't allowed to read this particular book until they were men. (One more reason to party at the Bar Mitzvah!)

My absolute favorite part of the entire love story is at the beginning of chapter 2. Before the beautiful wedding. Before the actual marriage. Before the juicy sex part. Way back in the beginning of the relationship. At the start of the relationship when they are falling in love. The Shulamite, the beloved, gets butterflies in her stomach when they are together (v 1). King Solomon makes her feel special (v 2). He tells her that there is no one else in his life and is committed to her alone. (v 3) But the best part of all is hidden in the next verse.

Song of Songs 2:4

Let him lead me to the banquet hall,
and let his banner over me be love.

Ahhh. True love. Not only does he make her feel special. Not only does he commit himself to her. He also took her out to dinner. Out in public. Announced they were an official couple. Made it his Facebook status.

Because, you see girls, if he isn't into you in front of his classmates, his mother, or his friends, he's not that into you. If he wants to kiss you in private but doesn't acknowledge you in the mall, he's not that into you. If he gives you sweet treats at your house but doesn’t give you the time of day at school, he's not that into you.

Some scholars believe that the book of Song of Solomon is written figuratively to show us how God loves us. That He thinks we are special and proud of us. And trust me, He declares his love for us every time He sees us. He declared you His on His Facebook status a long time ago in the Book of Life. And His banner over you is love. True love.

If there is only one thing that I know about my God it is that He is really that into me. He loves me more than any other person ever could.

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June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!