Monday, February 6, 2012

The Eulogy of Annie Smaller

This is the first installment of a series that I started on January 5, 2012.  You might want to go back and read that one.  Scroll down a little.  On the left hand side there will be a list of previous blogs.  Click on January.  Then click on Pre-U's.  I hope you enjoy the read.  Then get out there and tell someone how much you love them before you loss them.

The Eulogy of Annie Smaller
Pre-U Series; Volume 1

Annie is one of the most caring and giving people I know. She not only would give you the shirt off her back, she would drive to the store, buy you a pantry-full of food, fill up your gas tank, scrub your floor, make you dinner and put the kids to bed with a smile on her face and no shirt on her back. She is simply amazing.

No matter what time of day—or night—she will come running to your rescue. I know. She has done it for me. After knowing Annie for a couple of yeas we had to do just that. We had to call her in the middle of the night to come rescue us. It was the night of our car wreck. I my panicky moment of understanding the severity of the wreck I could only remember one phone number. Hers. She immediately woke her husband (I am sure that didn't go over well.), loaded up her kids and came to our aide. Of, course she did. That is the kind of girl she is.

Not only does she come running in times of need she is also right there if we need something at home. She often comes over to help me prune, plant or pick my flowers She lets me know when she finds a great sale on something she knows I might need. She calls to check on us if we miss school or church just to see if there is anything she can do to help.

And as if helping out her friends isn't enough, Annie has several jobs in which she is serving others. She is the director at a retirement home where she assist the elderly. She works at the local flower shop where she makes funeral arrangements for grieving families. She is the MOPS coordinator where she loves on and helps guide young moms. She often goes home to her aging parents to help them take care of their house and yard. All while raising two young boys.

And if that wasn't enough, she uses her spare time to volunteer at the church. She goes in and does random jobs like folding bulletins, cleaning up rooms or organizing a luncheon. But her biggest task is coordinating all the meals for families in need. And that is only the jobs I know about.

Yes, Annie is a busy and wonderful person. We should all strive to be more like her. I am proud to call her my friend.

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June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!