Wednesday, November 23, 2011


As we all gather around the table blanketed with turkey and stuffing a common tradition ensues. Most families partake in sharing what they are thankful for. In lieu of this practice I thought I would share my list.

Of course, like most you, I am thankful for my life and the ability to live it to the fullest. My freedom from tyrants and injustice. And, most importantly, my salvation which is only from the blood of Jesus Christ. But for some reason I wanted to state more than the obvious. Or maybe I need to do just that. State the obvious.

So, in no particular order, I am thankful for :

clean water, employment, and mobility
telephones, 911, and food in our pantry

doctors, family, and a warm bed
aspirin and a roof over my head

toothbrushes, toothpaste, and a bar of soap
a future so bright that's full of hope

good neighbors, forgiveness, and knowledge
toilet paper, hot water, and preservatives

a washer and dryer, and electricity
chocolate, education, and fertility*

warm fuzzy socks and the feel of clean sheets
tampons, antibiotics and turning up the heat

the ability to read, a good pair of shoes, and my health
and realizing that there are things more important than wealth

So as you sit around with family and turkey think about all the things we take for granted. Be thankful for things that others may not have. Focus on each one and try to imagine life without these blessings. And truly celebrate the holiday for its namesake.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
*(NO! We are not announcing a pregnancy. I am just truly thankful for the ease of getting pregnant with the children that God has blessed us with already. Trust me, this quiver is full.)

Oh yeah. P.S. I am also thankful for you taking time out of your day to read these ramblings. I genuinely do love writing them and probably should have put blogging somewhere on my list.

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June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!