Thursday, November 10, 2011


One day when I was at lunch with my kids, four superheroes walked into the restaurant. We all sat in amazement and awe. We couldn't believe our eyes. It is not everyday one gets the privilege of dinning with protectors and guardians of peace and good.

I know what some of you are thinking-- It must have been Halloween. But it wasn't. These superheroes weren't wearing blue tights or web slingers. On their chests were not symbols of a giant “S” or an encircled “4”.

No. These superheros wore camouflage uniforms. The symbol they proudly displayed was an American flag.

As I sat there I remembered a beer commercial that aired several years ago. The ad simply showed people sitting around an airport minding their own business. Then in walks a troop of armed forces returning from their duty overseas. The entire room—the entire airport—stops what they are doing, stands on their feet, and applaud the men and women in this unit. I cry every time I see it.  (Watch for yourself:

Not knowing if these particular superheros recently returned from military combat, basic training or the office, I was unsure what type of response should be displayed. As I pondered what to do it became obvious what the other people thought to do. One after the other, many of the customers came up to their table, shook their hands and expressed their gratitude. It was humbling. So many people saying thank you.

After I had my opportunity to convey my gratefulness for their service I mentioned to the waitress that I would like to buy their lunch. It was the least I could do for all they have done. She then informed that three other people had already offered to buy their lunch.

As Veteran’s Day approaches let us take a moment to show our thanks to those who protect and serve. Either home or abroad. In harm's way or training those who will be. Those who have made it home or those still away.   Those who come back with all the body parts God gave them or the ones that left a part of themselves on the battlefield.

Send a card to a soldier fighting. Make care packages to send to troops. Applaud in an airport. Shake a hand and say thank you.  Call a wife or mother whose son will never be in her arms again.

Or simply pay for a superhero's meal next time you find yourself eating with one. Just make sure you keep the kyptonite out of sight.

God bless America and God bless those who protect her.

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June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!