Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away!

I woke up to the sound of the shower. It was a pretty good sleep all things considered. Between my nerves, the strange bed and the other seven girls all in the same hotel room, I wasn’t expecting to get any shut eye at all. It wasn’t until our impromptu trip at midnight to the local Wal-Mart, checking on the boys and another run through of the lighting situation that any of us even thought about actually settling down.
The previous night was quite chilly. Everyone was wearing jackets over their dresses and church shirts. I could only hope that the weather man got my memo pertaining to the exact temperatures and cloud coverage I had requested that day. But more important than anything--it was not allowed to rain. It couldn’t rain. Not on this specific day. Rain would ruin everything!

Once I was awake there was no returning to my slumber. Some of us got up to walk around the establishment, check on the ballroom and see what kind of day we were in for. Did the elements choose to honor my requests?

As I walked down the hall I noticed thick fog. Not a good sign. Then I saw it. Water beating against the window. And lots of it. I stopped in my tracks and said a quiet prayer to myself. “Lord, please, please let the rain stop by this afternoon.” Then as if on command, the window was no longer being drenched. I couldn’t believe it. Just like that. We walked outside to see how bad it really was only to discover that it was a beautiful sunny late September day. The thick decorative film on the windows had made the sky look foggy. The water was from the sprinkling system. I was so thankful for both.

The rest of the day went as expected. We set up the chairs for the outdoor ceremony. The girls and I went to have our hair done. The boys went to lunch. I put on the most beautiful dress I have ever seen in my life. The flowers were delivered and set in their places. We took thousands and thousands of pictures. We all met in the family room to pray while the multitude of guests made their way to their seats. The music began playing and a hush fell over the yard.

First down the grassy path were the boys in their very handsome looking tuxedos and maroon vests. Then walked in Matt wearing his gold one. Then came the pretty girls all lined up in a row. They had on maroon gowns with spaghetti straps and a shawl carrying star-gazer lilies and pink alstrumeriums. Next, was my turn. I just remember smiling until I thought my face was going to freeze like that. My maternal grandmother grabbed my arm on cue and away we went. Down that aisle to the new future that awaited me.

It was a beautiful ceremony with a beautiful backdrop of the beautiful lake on a beautiful day. But I knew it would be. God wasn’t going to rain on my parade or even on my wedding day.

Happy Anniversary Matt. Nine down. Only 41 to go. May the next nine be even more wonderful and exciting than the last have been.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that day like it was yesterday--I remember the sadness on your face when we looked at those window and seen what we thought was rain. Then the happiness that shined across your face when realized it was just the spinkler system. It was an absolutely B E A U tiful day to go with the absolutely B E A U tiful couple that joined as one that day. Congrats on so many wonderful years together and may god bless you and your family with many more. Hugs and Kisses to you both...


June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!