Sunday, September 4, 2011

Casting Crowns

We proudly display them on when we are dropping off our children at school. We carry them into the grocery store. We show them off to our friends and acquaintances. But most importantly we never ever go to church without them.

What is it? Our masks. The fake facade that we put on to make the world think that we have it all together. That we are infallible. Perfect. Flawless. And when asked how we are doing we always answer, “Great!”. Even though it's more than likely a lie.

One of my favorite bands, Casting Crowns, has a song about this phenomenon appropriately titled, Stained Glass Masquerade. It a song about how we go about our days wearing our masks so that no one really knows what is going on in our lives. As if we have it all together. And if anyone knew differently they would love us less.

The verse that rips me to shreds is:

The performance is convincing
And we know every line by heart
Only when no one is watching
Can we really fall apart

Growing up in an abusive home, I learned quickly to learn my lines and hide the truth. The things that went on behind closed doors were never to be discussed in public. In addition to hiding everything from friends and strangers, I was not able to have my own opinion amongst my family. We were given orders. We followed them. Or else. It wasn’t until I was alone with no one watching or within anyone’s earshot did I sob and cry and really fall apart.

When I made the conscience decision to stop this cycle of abuse, I vowed that never again would I hold back my opinion. My feelings. My attitude. My mood. I wouldn’t have rehearsed lines, excuses, or lies to remember. I could be me and that was that.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I have since learned everyone hides things. It may not be as bad as abuse. It may even be worse. But whatever it is, we feel the need to keep things to ourselves. We wouldn’t want anyone to know we aren’t perfect.

It is extremely difficult for me to strap on that mask everyday. To hide what I am really feeling. To not show loved ones that I am hurt, sad or even rejoicing. To not make comments, either beneficial or disruptive. To just sit quietly while looking forward to when it will be all over and I can just be myself.

You have no idea how badly I wish we didn’t have to hide our true identities. That we didn’t have to keep up the appearance of perfection. That we could finally come to the realization that we all have problems, bad days, strong opinions and issues.
But we do. So the things I want to know is the same thing Casting Crowns asks us…
But would it set me free
If I dared to let you see
The truth behind the person
That you imagine me to be

Would your arms be open
Or would you walk away
Would the love of Jesus
Be enough to make you stay

Listen to the entire song at:

1 comment:

  1. Michelle the masks start to come off when you get older. Don't let the mask change who you are. Some of us (me) can't be the quiet little old church lady. God and I are working on the masks and attitudes. We don't have to pretend to be perfect. No one is. We just need to learn to be who God made us to be.


June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!