Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I am such a creature of habit. When Matt and I actually get to go on dates we always go to the same restaurant and I order the exact same thing every time. I fill the tank of the van not only at the same gas station but the same gas pump. I go through the same check out lane of the same grocery store and try to have the same cashier every time we go shopping.

There are even times when I sneak away and eat out for lunch. You guessed it… I go to the same restaurant, sit in the same booth with the same server and eat the same things off of the buffet table. We are regulars. When we walk in they greet us by name as I show myself to my usual spot.

Have you ever wondered why Norm and Cliff always went to the same bar and sat at the same barstools every week? (Besides the fact that it made for a good sitcom in the 90’s.) There is something to be said about the friendly-ness of everyone knowing your name. And not only knowing your name.

When we go out for lunch, the servers know more than my name. They know my children’s names. They even know each of my children’s specific allergies. I am convinced that they know our lists of general food issues than most of my family does. They make a special dish for each of them according to what they can and cannot consume--without me even having to request it.

But maybe I like my routines, habits and familiar servers for more reasons. Maybe it is because being known brings comfort.

I wonder if the character’s name in Cheers was “Norm” on purpose. Maybe there is something NORMal about everyone knowing your name. Maybe it is NORMal to feel like you are at home. NORMal to know you are welcomed and wanted.

Many people think it is funny that I have my particular routines. Matt makes fun of them as much as he can. And maybe eating at the same place, shopping at the same place and filling up the tank at the same place is a little crazy but at least I know I am loved.

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June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!