Thursday, January 13, 2011

Freshly Fallen Snow

Even though winter is not my favorite season I do love watching it snow. Not that I like shoveling said snow or driving in said snow. I do like watching the cold, wet flakes make their way to earth. Then, when it is all said and done and the entire ground is covered with the wintery white blanket, I enjoy even more looking out into the yard at the freshly fallen snow. It is so fresh. So pure. So innocent.

Maybe because the snow is so untainted is why so many refer to it as “virgin snow”. The snow on the ground before the kids trample over it to make their snowmen. Or before your husband trudges across it to get to the snow blower. Or before the dog gets on it and changes it to yellow snow. (Which, by the way, you need to remind your two-year-old to never eat!) But the best part of the blanket of snow is how it glitters and sparkles in the sunshine.

That spotless snow reminds us of all of our own sins and how we can never be as chaste as that “virgin” snow again. None of us. Not one. It doesn’t matter if your sin has anything to do with your sex life. It can be any sin. No matter what it is. We are all guilty of not keeping ourselves clean. Pure. Innocent.

But one thing I have noticed about the winter snow is that even the dirty, sinful snow sparkles in the right light. That no matter what has happened to it. Plowed, shoveled, walked on or made into snowballs. All snow can glitter and sparkle. But none of it can unless the sun is shining on it.

Forget your past and your sins. God has. He has removed them as far as the east is from the west. Then let the Son shine on you.  HE can sparkle just like the snow--virgin or not.

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June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!