Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oh, What a Day!

Today Jesus prayed…woke friends…prayed…woke friends…

Got kissed…arrested…heals an ear…demeaned by some Jews leaders…denied by a friend...

Interrogated by Pilate…mocked by King Herod…shuffled back to Pilate…condemned by the crowd…given a sentence…took the place of a murderer…

Shouted at…stripped naked…whipped…beaten…flogged…spat at…given a crown made of thorns…

Led through streets...carried a log…through town…naked…in front of spectators…in front of His mother…

Three nails driven in His body…lifted above the onlookers…clothes gambled over…gasped for air…lungs burning…thirsty...


Collected all sin…past…present…future…

Forsaken by His Father…fulfilled all prophecies…body systems fail…

Cried “It is Finished!”

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June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!