Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Between A Rock and A Hard Place

Do you remember the ending of the 1956 classic movie starring Charlton Heston? Moses is running from Pharaoh who wants all the slaves back in Egypt. Moses raises his staff and the waters of the Red Sea part. Millions of Israelites cross the dry riverbed to safety. The end.

But have you ever wondered how or why the Israelites ended up running away from their enemy straight into one of the largest seas in the region—without a cruise ship waiting for them?

Here's what we read right before the epic scene:

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites to turn back and encamp near Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. They are to encamp by the sea, directly opposite Baal Zephon.” (Exodus 14:1-2)

God told His followers to set up camp between the desert and the sea. Have you ever been there? Between a rock and a hard place? Not sure why you are there? Not sure how you got there? Or what God wants to do with you while you are there?

The fleeing Israelites probably didn't know either. All they knew was that they were being chased by the largest army they knew and now they were trapped. That is probably why God told them...

Pharaoh will think, ‘The Israelites are wandering around the land in confusion, hemmed in by the desert.’ And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will pursue them. But I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD.” So the Israelites did this.” (Exodus 14:3-4)

Did you see that? It is right there in verse 4. God put them—puts us—in difficult situations, situations that we cannot see a way out of, so that He can gain glory for Himself.

That's all He wants. The glory. Not too much to ask for The Creator of the world to ask is it? So next time you find yourself in a sticky situation think about how you can give the glory to Him through it. And who knows maybe you will be able to part the Red Sea. Or maybe not.

But I do know that you will come through the difficult situation better. Closer to God. Closer to the person He wants you to be.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

It's Hot!

It was 104 today. Yesterday was just as bad. And, with the heat index, we are way beyond the “danger” level of temperature warnings. It is just plain hot!

So, needless to say, my children have not been allowed to play outside for more than a couple of minutes at a time. Not that they want to be out longer than that. The second that their feet touch the hot pavement on the patio or the hard ground that once grew grass, they are jumping up and down complaining and begging to come back into the air conditioning.

But after days and weeks of watching movies and playing board games, I have had enough. One evening, when I mistakenly thought the weather would at least be tolerable, I told my flock to go outside. I didn't care what they did. I just knew they were going to get cabin fever in the middle of the summer if they spent one more minute hooked up to an electronic babysitter.

So, I sent them out. I watched as they raced across the hot stones of the patio. I saw them in disgust as I reminded them to find something to do. I observed as they resigned to my request and resolved to just sit in the middle of the yard—not in the shade, like a smart minded person, mind you—and cried.

I felt pity on them and went out to join them. I quickly learned of their demise. It was still very hot. After even just a couple of minutes, I joined them in crying.

So then I grabbed the water hose. I drenched all of them. Right then and there. In their clothes. Soaking wet. At first they screamed. Then they ran. They were so mad. But I chased them with the water hose around the entire yard.

They begged and pleaded for me to stop. Nothing they said or did was going to convince to obey their wishes. It was hot!

No matter where they went I was there showering them with nice cold water. Eventually they realized that the water was refreshing and actually felt good. They calmed down and went on to find something to play. I just followed them from activity to activity making sure they were sopping wet.

I wonder if that is what God does to us. He knows what is best and tell us to get up and go outside. But we don't want to. We are conformable in our air conditioned house. We fight it and complain. Sometimes we even cry. But no matter what He is right there with the water hose.

He's not going to let us get dehydrated or have heat stroke. He's too good of a Dad for that. Just like I am too good of a mom to let my kids swelter in the heat this week. I may have soaked my children with well water but He drenches His children with His living water.  He follows us around daily dousing us with love to remind us we can do whatever it is that He has asked us to do—even if it is hot!

June 2010

June 2010
Four little monkies all lined up in a row!